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How to set up smart rules

Smart rules allow you to guide consumers to different destinations based on specific conditions you set. They help you create a personalized experience by applying logic to your consumer flows.

Updated over a week ago

Why do Smart Rules matter?

Smart Rules matter because they enable dynamic, personalized user experiences by delivering tailored content based on specific user behaviors and preferences. This level of personalization drives higher engagement, fosters trust, and significantly increases conversion rates by delivering the right message at the right time to the right audience.

Here’s how you can set up your smart rules:

Step-by-step guide

Step 1: Access the flows section

Go to the flows section or the main navigation and choose the flow where you want to apply smart rules.

(Note: currently smart rules is only available for External Destinations.)

Step 2: Edit your flow

Click on edit flow to enter the flow editor.

Step 3: Find the smart rules section

In the flow editor, look for the smart rules section on the left sidebar.

Step 4: Select a condition type

Choose the condition type that you want to apply. You can set conditions based on factors like user location, device type, or specific user actions.

Step 5: Assign a destination

After selecting a condition, assign the destination that matches the condition. This is where the user will be redirected if they meet the rule.

Step 6: Define the rule specifics

Complete the details for your rule based on what you want to happen when the condition is met. For example, send users to a custom landing page or offer.

Important notes

Here are a few important things to keep in mind as you set up smart rules:

  • Default destination: If none of your smart rules are matched, the user will be taken to the default destination.

  • Rule order matters: Smart rules are checked in order, and only the first matching rule is applied. If rule 1 is met, subsequent rules will be ignored for that user.

  • Location-based rules: Location-specific conditions only apply to users in the USA who have granted permission to use their precise location. Learn more about geo-location.

If you have questions about smart rules, reach out to us at [email protected].

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