Tags are a feature that will allow users to tag codes and pages with characteristic information including vertical type, placement, CTA, and more. Users are able to sort and filter based on their tags and create personalized experiences within the platform.
To get started, login to your Flowcode account and go to your Flowpage Dashboard. Check out this article for step by step instructions on creating a Flowpage. Once you are in your Flowpage view, select the Flowpage you wish to tag.
Navigate to the Settings tab and scroll down or click on Tags on the lefthand side.
In the +Add Tag box, you have the ability to add free form text to create the tag that best suits your organization's needs. To add a custom tag, type the tag name into the box and hit Create New. Below this box, you also have the option to select from recommended fields.
Once you have inputted or selected all of your desired Tags click, Save tags. You will be able to view your tags under the Tags Used section in the Flowpage Dashboard.
Read more Tags-related articles here:
Flowcode Analytics breakdown (filter by Tags)
For more information and FAQs on Tags check out this article or email our team at [email protected].