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How to edit Tags
Alex avatar
Written by Alex
Updated over a week ago

If editing a Flowcode's Tag

To add a Tag

  1. Navigate to the code details page for a specific code (you can get here by clicking into the code you wish to tag).

  2. Click on the Advanced tab and scroll down to the Tags section.

  3. Either type into the input field or select a Tag from the recommended options.

To remove a Tag

  1. Click the gray X next to the Tag's gray bubble.

If editing a Flowpage's Tag

To add a Tag

1. Navigate to the Settings tab for a Flowpage.

2. Scroll down to the Tags section.

3. To add Tags, either type into the input field and click Create New or select a Tag from the recommended options by clicking on the bubbles.

4. Click Save tags to save your edits.

To remove a Tag

  1. Click the gray X next to the gray tag bubble.


  2. Click into the tag bar and then select Remove or hit the Delete (iOS) or Backspace (Android) button on your keyboard.

For more information and FAQs on Tags check out this article, or email our support team.

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