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Auto-sharing FAQs

Automatically share new assets with people in your organization with auto-sharing.

Kayla Uytengsu avatar
Written by Kayla Uytengsu
Updated over 10 months ago

Auto-Sharing automates the process of sharing newly created Flowcode QR codes, pages, and folders with a designated team within your organization, and grants them editor access.

This feature mitigates the need for manual sharing by members of an organization, ensuring that all relevant team members have immediate access to assets for editing and management purposes.

Note πŸ“ Auto-sharing is only available for Enterprise customers. To learn more

about Enterprise, contact our sales team.

For answers to common questions about Auto-Sharing, see below:

Who can enable Auto-Sharing?

Only Organization Admins have the authority to enable or disable the Auto-Sharing feature for specific teams within their organization.

How do I enable Auto-Sharing for a team?

Org Admins can enable Auto-Sharing by navigating to the Teams management section on the Flowcode platform, selecting a specific team, and toggling on the Auto-Sharing option.

Can Auto-Sharing be enabled for multiple teams?

No, Auto-Sharing can only be enabled for a single team within an organization at a time. This is to ensure clarity and manageability of permissions across the organization.

How does Auto-Sharing affect existing assets?

Initially, Auto-Sharing will only apply to assets created after the feature is enabled for a specific team within an organization. However, a backfill process will be introduced to allow historically created assets to be shared with the Auto-Sharing enabled team upon request.

What happens if Auto-Sharing is disabled?

If Auto-Sharing is disabled for a team, the default access permissions to all assets and folders created during the time Auto-Sharing was enabled will be maintained, however, any newly created assets will no longer be automatically shared with the team. If Auto-Sharing is later re-enabled, access will only be granted to newly created assets and folders from that point onward.

What happens if the team with Auto-Sharing enabled is deleted?

If a team is deleted – regardless of whether or not Auto-sharing is enabled for that team – all the asset permissions for that team will also be deleted. Therefore, as a user you will no longer have access to the assets that were shared with the team that was deleted.

How does Auto-Sharing handle asset permissions?

Once Auto-Sharing is enabled, assets and folders will be automatically shared with the specified team, granting members of the team editor access. If an attempt is made to change the permission level for the Auto-Sharing enabled team or remove it, such actions will be blocked to maintain consistent access.

What happens if the team with Auto-Sharing enabled is deleted?

If a team is deleted – regardless of whether or not Auto-sharing is enabled for that team – all the asset permissions for that team will also be deleted. Therefore, as a user you will no longer have access to the assets that were shared with the team that was deleted.

How does Auto-Sharing handle asset permissions?

Once Auto-Sharing is enabled, assets and folders will be automatically shared with the specified team, granting members of the team editor access. If an attempt is made to change the permission level for the Auto-Sharing enabled team or remove it, such actions will be blocked to maintain consistent access.

What are the considerations for organizations with a large number of assets?

Organizations with a significant number of assets (over 20k) will be initially excluded from the Auto-Sharing rollout to address potential latency concerns. Optimizations are planned to ensure the feature's performance and scalability.

Can Auto-Sharing be applied retroactively to all organizational assets?

A separate backfill process will be available to share historically created assets with the Auto-Sharing enabled team. This will be executed on a case-by-case basis upon request from specific Enterprise customers. Reach out to your CSM to have a backfill completed after enabling auto-sharing for a team in your organization.

How will Auto-Sharing impact the user experience?

Auto-Sharing is designed to enhance the user experience by ensuring team members have immediate access to necessary assets, reducing administrative overhead, and fostering a more collaborative environment.

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